Dorothy & Norman
Dorothy & Norman
008: Letter writing to help you regulate your nervous system

008: Letter writing to help you regulate your nervous system

We are constantly bombarded by stressors, distraction, and social media noise. Most of us enjoy various aspects of social media, but balancing out our screen time with more grounded-screen free activites can help reduce our anxiety and regulate our nervous system.

Writing letters to your loved ones is one of the most regulating activities you can do because 1). as you write, you are using both your tacticle and visual senses to be in the grounded in the present moment, and 2). you feel more socially connected to your loved ones. Both of these things can help decrease anxiety and boost our mood.

Developing a letter-writing habit can help you add in a consistent, regulating routine to your mental health toolkit. You can become less connected with screens and more connected to yourself and your loved ones. Get your Fall Connection Kit now so you can start building a regular routine to help regulate your nervous system.

Our new Fall Subscription Kit—the “Ashley” Connection Kit—was inspired by my best friend Ashley, who always has the most beautiful way with words and the biggest heart. She means the world to me and inspires me constantly. You can read more about her here:

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Dorothy & Norman
Dorothy & Norman
Musings of a "retired" marriage family therapist: parenting, art, family history (but pretty). Chronic Illness. Pretty things.