Dorothy & Norman
Dorothy & Norman
007: The time I stole a dog from the groomer

007: The time I stole a dog from the groomer

and other unfortunate events

Ya’ll this past weekend wore me out, and I am doing some self-care by NOT writing a Substack this week. Writing takes more time and effort than recording a podcast on the fly, so I’ve opted to skip my writing this week and give myself more time to recover from the weekend. I did still record a podcast talking about some of my most unfortunate and quirky personality traits. I haven’t figured out how to upload my podcasts directly to Apple or Spotify, so I’m just throwing it on my Substack. I love consistency.

I hope you enjoy getting to know more about me in this week’s podcasts, and I hope you do something today to take care of yourself today. Maybe say no to an unnecessary work assignment. Or take a nap. Or give yourself some extra minutes of quiet. Those all sound lovely to me at the moment. Cheers, and talk with you next week.

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Dorothy & Norman
Dorothy & Norman
Musings of a "retired" marriage family therapist: parenting, art, family history (but pretty). Chronic Illness. Pretty things.